Monday, February 18, 2008

It is time to say good-bye to Wuhan . Suitcases are packed. Tomorrow morning at 06.00 An Yan is driving me to the airport.
It has been a hard work, and An Yan has put a lot of pressure on me. But, all the time I have had a lot of fun. This is for me the most important.

I want to thank Alexander Dinerchtein for being my teacher and for his advise when we discussed this project; Juan Guo for her kind support, advise and translations; An Yan's family and friends for their hospitality, I appreciate a lot their efforts to make me feel comfortable; kids and teachers in the go-school, they showed and taught me a lot; An Yan for being my teacher and mentor here in Wuhan, it has been a pleasure to learn with him as teacher; friends for their interest and feedback; my family for their love and understanding.

Is there already a next goal? Yes, EGC 2008 in Leksand, and I hope that I can improve until then a little bit ;-)

I hope that the other foreign students who are going to come here have fun and eventually share their experiences.

PS: As mentioned this blog will be continued, but probably not on a daily basis. Interview with An Yan and solutions for whole board positions will be published within next days.

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