Sunday, January 13, 2008

It has become bloody cold, practically over night. Today we have even snow what does not happen so often in Wuhan. The problem with the cold here is its humidity. Here are two big rivers. It feels like Arctics. I deal with it with the onion principle: Undershirt, thick cotton shirt, THREE pullovers and a warm jacket. Sitting all day long in an even colder go-school you need to protect yourself.

The architecture in China is a big issue. There are a lot of flats erected in the 70s or 80s that are badly isolated - if at all. This problem was recognized and the Government has done some steps, but still there are a lot of poorly isolated buildings and flats, including the flat I am living in right now. It seems to me that the flat collects all the cold from outside and gives it to the inside in a concentrated way. The air-conditioners do what they can do...

On the streets it has been this morning icy and slippery, much more accidents than usual. I have just come back from a nice walk, and on the sidewalks we pedestrians moved like pinguins.

My schedule has been changed a little bit. Instead of playing twice against a teacher from the go-school and twice against An Yan I play now one time against a teacher from the school and three times against An Yan. I like it.

This week I have bought books. Many! I only hope that the airline doesn't charge me for overweight... The books are very cheap compared to e.g. Germany. The "bible" of joseki is around EUR 4.20, a book with 220 life&death- and 360 tesuji-problems and many endgame situations is around EUR 2.40. The problems are at all levels available, starting from beginner up to professional.

For those who like to see what do I do - among others - I have chosen 10 problems, 5 L&D and 5 tesuji. Black to play in all problems. The tricky detail: Put the timer on 10 minutes...
(Solutions in next blog)
While you are enjoying reading I have a cup of tea and some chocolate. ;-)

Problem 1:

Problem 2:

Problem 3:

Problem 4:

Problem 5:

Problem 6:

Problem 7:

Problem 8:

Problem 9:

Problem 10:

Winter in Wuhan (1), An Yan:

Winter in Wuhan (2), my "outdoor-fitness-studio":

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