Thursday, January 17, 2008

No sun today, but still warm enough that it keeps on melting. And then really, in the late afternoon also the shower pipes are again free.
You may guess what I am doing later...

Yesterday evening I watched on KGS a game between two 3-kyu players. Exiting game, capturing races, ko-fights! But I was amazed by the amount of crude moves and reading-mistakes. One example that really stroke me:

Position is in lower right corner
Black to play
Black had a very comfortable lead
No time-pressure, both players have plenty of time

Black started at S3 and started a ko-fight (after he played at later stage T3) instead of playing at R4 with easy life...


mikong said...

If black R4, white can play T5 and make seki, right?

Katya said...

on behalf of Markus
Yes, but playing T5 is gote, eg W T5, B sente somewhere else, W S3, B T1, W T2. No problems for Black.
Actually, if Black starts with S3 (instead of R4) it is also ok as long as Black doesn't play T3... In the real game Black played at a later stage T3 and started the ko.

Anonymous said...

Why not just tenuki?