Chinese people are crazy!!!
They start with fireworks before 8 o'clock in the morning. And with all these places here, surrounded by houses you have a perfect echo... And don't believe that they are modest and take only small and silent stuff; no, they think: "The bigger the better! The noisier the better!".
An Yan and I arrived at the go-school quite early today, around 9 o'clock. Unfortunately! We arrived just on time to get greated by another firework; and then my dream became true: Life concert. They did it with love and encouragement... Ahhhh!!! The good news: After this concert I was awake ;-).
Today I have two nice whole board problems. Both positions are from my today's games. Black to play in both problems.
In the first game I had a huge attack and I gained an imposing thickness. The last "small" detail of this attack: I need to assure that my groups, wall and center group, are alive... Provided that I can give these groups life my victory is - let's say - a formal issue. With this thickness there is nothing happening on the remaining board without my "approval".
In the second game I was sleepy and started in dreamland. I gave my opponent some nice presents (hm, spring festival has already passed, hasn't it?), upper and lower right corner and the five stones on the left. But then, finally, I woke up and fought back. Provided that my center group can live - at this moment I have only one eye at B9 - it looks quite good for me.
Enjoy reading!
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