Sunday, February 17, 2008

It's done!
Today I have been the last time in the go-school and have played my last two games there. In my first game I made a big mistake, and the game was quite fast. I took the opportunity to go the haircutter earlier. Unfortunately, the person who cut my hair the last time had just started with another person. A woman wanted to have her long hair short. I was told the famous: "Wait a minute."... I "explained" them that also another person can cut my hair, no problem. So, the master himself cut my hair. I had to pay a premium of 33%, compared to when a normal employee works. I paid 20 RMB (appr. 2 EUR), instead of 15 RMB (appr. 1.5 EUR)... ;-). For this premium I look now so hot, just wow!
I still had some time, had a walk, and by accident I found a bookshop that had some interesting go-books. I bought one; the original price was 75 RMB (7.5 EUR) but it was reduced to 15 RMB (1.5 EUR). Good deal!

Then in the evening An Yan gave me the feedback re my studies here in Wuhan:
- I am 1 dan (China)
- I have improved during these 3 months by 7-9 grades

That could lead now to an academic discussion about different ranking systems...
As I said earlier I played at the EGC 2007 with 7 kyu an even result. If we are now prudent and say that I have not improved between EGC and the begin of my studies here in Wuhan (or alternatively I was 8 kyu and improved a little bit) then it would match. According to the ranking comparison published on "Sensei's Library" ( a 7 kyu player in Europe is a 8 kyu player in China.

What remains?
- The circle is closing; even the weather is cooperating. When I came here it was a phantastic weather, and the weather forecast for Wuhan is between 5 and 15 degrees (Celsius). Springweather!
- Tomorrow is my free day, and I need it to pack my suitcase, buy some remaining stuff, and then I relax a little bit,
- I am going to continue this blog,
- I had an interview with An Yan, and I am going to publish it,
- I hope that this blog might have given you an impression about daily life here in Wuhan/ China (from my point of view),
- I still need to publish the solutions for the 2 whole board problems,

- And last but not least:
I am looking forward to seeing my family again.


Unknown said...

I have came across your blog quite recently, but I've enjoyed it a lot. Thx for a very good report from Wuhan. I am myself going to study Go under Yan Laoshi in the spring term of this year. Enjoy the rest of your stay in China and good luck to your further Go improvements !

mikong said...

Congratulations to you for reaching 1-dan (Chinese)! :)