You might be surprised that not me but Katya answers comments. There is a very easy explanation: Here in China certain websites are blocked, including all "blogspot"-sites. I can post a blog, but not view it. That means also that I cannot reply on any comment. So, Katya sends me the comment via email, I reply to her, and then she answers.
Wuhan is white, at least it was in the morning. Then during the day it has become a little bit warmer, exactly so much that the streets and sidewalks are a disaster. Muddy! But it has continued snowing and drizzling all day. During the lunch break I had a walk and a bypassing car offered me a shower free of charge. I was lucky, only the lower part of my trousers got wet. A couple walking in front of me was not so lucky as me...
Actually the sidewalks are so muddy that a lot of people prefer walking on the street.
I have never seen it before: In the morning several men with long bamboos went from tree to tree and shook them. Their intention: to free them from the snow.
And also quite interesting: Here in Wuhan people remove with brooms snow, mud and ice from the streets; at least I haven't seen so far any special car that removes it.
The solutions of the 5 life& death and 5 tesuji-problems I am going to post tomorrow. In the endgame-position Black makes the monkey jump to D, White plays at C and Black jumps back to A, keeping sente, while playing at B is gote.
Today I want to show an example re corner enclosure/ invasion. When I was weaker I thought that a corner is mine and was annoyed when the stronger player invaded. Or vice verse the corner was safe and I made an unnecessary move. This position is from yesterday's game between An Yan and me. Check it out if Black's corner is safe or not. In case that White plays at A first, Black naturally defends at B. White has then two potential follow-ups: C and D.
The same tank you saw yesterday, this morning:
Muddy streets and sidewalks (and how to protect your shoes):
Clean window screens are important:
"My" master-bedroom:
Hi Markus,
just got your blog and learnt how are you doing. I'm sure that you have a great time and can only hope that you'll share your wisdom later.
Hi Wolfram, I am glad that you like my blog. Of course I am going to share my wisdom, the "Jeep-Party" when we celebrate your rescue might be a good opportunity
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