Sunday, January 20, 2008

Two good news:
In the go-school I played against a 3-dan with 3H, and until the late middle game I could keep the game at least even. Then I made an overplay, lost quite some points and lost again in the endgame between 10-15 points. Nevertheless, I won. This makes me quite confident for the remaining four weeks.
We went with An Yan's neighbours to dinner, and their son plays also go. How come? ;-) An Yan had the idea that their son and I could have a game on the way to the restaurant. Magnetic board out, and we started in the car our game. He is 3-dan, and we played even. Maybe he was tired, maybe annoyed, maybe he didn't pay attention, I don't know. He made in the opening some slack moves, I said politely thank you - and when we arrived at the restaurant my victory was certain.

The corner position from yesterday is safe, provided a proper defense. White can get only one eye.

And here are the solutions from previous week. I sincerely hope you enjoyed...
One remark: Often there are variations possible, I show only one. But I think that - when you get the main idea - you are able to read out the other variations on your own.

Problem 1: more than a ko is not possible

Problem 2:

Problem 3:

Problem 4:

Problem 5: Under the stones

And now:
I am sure that you find the last move on your own...

Problem 6:

Problem 7:

Problem 8: Take some time and read out the variation in case that White descends instead of playing kozumi (2nd move)

Problem 9:

Problem 10:

And this is the second bedroom, it reminds me somehow at a youth hostel:

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